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Mosaic Life Care’s COACH Mentors recently gathered for peer connection and training. Mosaic Life Care’s Board Chairperson and Director, Reverend James Ramsay, spoke about anxiety. Tecia Thompson, COACH Director, was also present. We started off with a bit of lego building fun in groups. James then provided a mental health presentation that included 4 types of anxiety as follows:1.      Reality Anxiety           ·   &...

June 6, 2024

COACH Gathering at the Arboretum

On 5th March seven people connected at the National Arboretum regarding Mosaic Life Care’s community outreach work. This was to encourage one another, as a thank you, and to report on COACH mentoring developments in the region.A COACH Mentor is ‘a friend with purpose’ who offers practical help and mentoring towards various life goals. They live here in Canberra and have been thoroughly trained and submitted to a thorough background check and assessment of their personality and temperament....

May 10, 2024

COACH stands for Creating Opportunities And Casting Hope

A COACH Mentor is a friend with purpose who offers practical help and mentoring towards life goals. They live here in Canberra and have been thoroughly trained and submitted to a thorough background check and assessment of their personality and temperament.The COACH Mentoring Program aims to see families and individuals be empowered and supported to help them establish a plan to address their self-identified life challenges. We desire a flourishing life for you.Examples of support goals include:...

January 29, 2024

COACH Mentor Testimony

One of our COACH volunteers, Tessa, recently shared about her mentoring experience. Her kind and encouraging words show that being a ‘friend with purpose’ is a life-giving gift, both to participant and mentor:Becoming a COACH Mentor happened after lots of prayer and soul searching. I have always had good relationships with friends, patients, and staff over my working career. I believe this is something God wanted me to do and feel COACH mentoring is a gift God has given me.It has been wonder...

December 8, 2023

COACH Mentor Training Day - Thank you

On Saturday 28th October 2023, Mosaic Life Care provided COACH mentor training for 10 possible new volunteer mentors at Kippax Uniting Church. Sam from Crossway Life Care in Melbourne graciously came up to conduct this for the group, while Minister Aimee from Kippax Uniting Church kindly provided warm hospitality - and photos!COACH Mentoring exists to help people in tough places flourish. This takes place through connecting with a trained 'friend with purpose' who voluntarily gathers each week o...

November 14, 2023

Calling for Mentors

Recently I had the freedom to share about Mosaic Life Care’s work with our local community. I am thankful for the kind welcome and was curious to hear why people choose to give their time as mentors.Effectively, why become a mentor?Mentoring is a great privilege and opportunity to give back to the community. “A mentoring partnership can be rewarding to both people, personally and professionally. It's an opportunity to develop communication skills, expand your viewpoints, and consider new way...

October 13, 2023

Mosaic Life Care Board of Directors role

Mosaic Life Care is seeking Expressions of Interest for the Board of Directors.Role: The role of the Mosaic Life Care Board is to provide governance and strategic leadership to the organisation. Mosaic Life Care is looking to add to the number of Directors on its Board and are seeking individuals with the right mix of skills, knowledge, experience and passion.Board positions are voluntary and appointments are made for a two-year period with the option of extending the appointment for a furt...

September 8, 2023 Posts 1-7 of 7 | Page